It's been a day of fixing. Fixing me and fixing gadgets and fixing bike things. The early part of the morning was spent in Canniesburn burn unit at the Royal Infirmary in Glasgow. There, the dead surface layer of skin was peeled off my leg and hip and more bandaging layers applied. Everything seems to be beginning to heal, but i suspect my initial optmism of being back to work (and, soon after, riding) by the end of the week was a little, uh, optimistic. Still the wee chap is healing well, and lets face it thats all that matters.
After collecting a large bag of wrapping and spooching stuff, i got the tube home. Walking is not an option, either is driving and cycling is obviously out. So i jolted around and had everyone stare at my impressive limp (which is half from pain, and half from the amount of bandaging i need) and went home to inspect the remains of my bike. i popped the rear wheel out and pulled off the casette body, easily (one of the many benefits of DT hubs). Everything was a bit dirty but no issues/wear or roughness to the bearing. The axles feels a little dry in the hub. After a quick chat to the fountain of all bike knowledge that is honest, sensible and insightful (dave at alpinebikes) i will book the wheel in for a bearing check and re-grease. It feels fine, not gritty - just dry...dave reckons this may be from the grease getting melted out on the disc side from all the fruitless braking at Strathpuffer. He should know, we were team mates afterall.
The next thing needing my attention was my mp3 player. Unfortunately as often happens when a liberal dose of chaos and mud is mixed with 5 blokes in a camper van, my mp3 had got a bath in beer. Guess what? it wasn't working so well! so in a fit of confidence, i decided i'd strip the bugger and clean it out with isopropyl alcohol. Finding all the tiny screws Sony had used to hold the thing together was tricky, and there was the usual "oop! a bits dropped out, where the hell did that come from?" but it seems to work now, so i'm pretty stoked...
Tomorrow off to see my GP and explain myself...and prolly cabin fever. least i'll heal.
Hey jOn!
Buck here, and just in time find out that you tough guys ride 24 hour races in Jan. Not to mention the update on your sore bits. Ouch!
Heel up fast and bee well!
hey! good to hear from you my friend, which reminds me i need to reply to your mail..which i will hopefully with some news about something, but i wont promise. gimme 24 hrs.
Ahh... yes the mp3 player. I have to put my hand up for that one. I saved you the remaining pair of Sierra Nevadas and popped them in your Timbuk2 which I was carrying out of the van perched precariously on top of loads of other things, until I had a wobble and it was'nt perched anywhere anymore... You'd think timbuk2 would put carry straps on their bags or something...
um.. Chris ; )
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