Tuesday, January 16, 2007

New post?

Out with the old, in with the new...

The Moots post will be gong on the Seven cross/road/thing. the in line Thomson just doesn't work with the h bars on the 120mm stem. A 130mm stem is too long, so there you go. the layback will give a nice position for singlespeeding as i prefer a slacker effective seatangle for transitioning between seated and standing climbing: lets you use different sets of muscles.

To replace it on the IF there will soon be a Kent Eriksen seatpost. same idea, better clamp design, and longer (400mm) so it'll have a little more supoort in the frame.

Of course a bit of tlc will have to be lavished to get the IF working after a fairly heinous Strathpuffer as mentioned. Certainly needs a brake strip and possibly new cables....yes, the Nokon seals were indeed insufficient against Scotland's worst...but to be fair, anything would have been other than hydraulic...

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