The packs are (predictably) amazing. Holding all the gear well without interference to my legs or the bike. They have good adjustment in order to keep everything snug. Front bag is currently holding waterproof and primaloft jackets, along with a thermarest and the bivvi sack. The rear has a wool top, sleeping bag, gas, kettle, coffee maker (thanks shaggy!) porridge and cup. I will likely re-stow stuff and put a little more in the rear, but this gives a good idea of how it will all ride. The kilo lost weight - from removing the Old Man Mountain racks - from the bike is noticeable. The bike weighs 32lb without water, so it'll be pretty light considering.

More as time allows.
Jon, I've had several front brakes from Avid with the same issue with rigid forks, solved by taking some metal from the Avid post mount on the fork side, such that it sits nearer the fork and hence the disc can run in the middle of the caliper.
I ended up taking about 3mm off to fit the vicious fork for the big gayer with a White Ind large flange hub and about 2mm for the Spot fork and a Spot hub.
Remember to take the same amount from each bolt hole ;-)
beautiful.will break out the end mill...thanks steve!
no problem, just don't take too much metal
the bags look good, might try some myself soon
How are you getting on with the ESI grips?
they are awesome...
mmmmm, neat. you win ;-)
He wins? You haven't seen the camp gear of the bloke he's riding with... I've heard the trip won't happen if Jon's camp-mate is gaffer-taping tesco's carrier bags to a cheap p-clip attached alloy rack but we shall see. The Anal Packer meets an Amateur Heath-Robinson!
A daisychain is only as
strong as its weakest link.
Looks good Jon. I take it any food will be carried in a Wingnut? Looking out the window over a grey, wet and cold Manchester makes the Picos de Europa sound tempting :)
Which size rear bag did you go with? I've been looking at the medium myself, wondering on the capacity.
I've also had luck modding my avid mount on the wife's single speed to get the caliper in the proper position.
the bag is an epic. i think its the twinkie, rather than the super twinkie?
oh and capacity: in there with room to spare is a sleeping bag (400g mac pac down) wool top, ti kettle and gas cannister, 3 sachets of porridge, a mug a spork, a stove and a steel for lighting....err and one or 2 other bits. i reckon i could get a thin puff jacket and maybe another bit and bob in there too...
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