----sorry for the bluuuueurgh-----
I have mentioned swapping disc rotors. The sharper tacks amongst you will notice im using a 180 rotor with an 185 avid adapter/BB7. Isn't that a bad idea? especially if the pads wear and then hit each other before they hit the disc because 2.5mm of the pad material never gets worn by the rotor?
Well, it would be, but i used an end mill and removed some material from the adapter to allow a good solid contact.
:-)~ All good.
Shimano 180 adaptor would be another (v cheap) solution.
would that work with the avid spherical washer thingies?
Aye - the Avid caliper takes account of the spacers.
On a post mount fork, a Shimano caliper fits directly to the fork mount (for a 160 rotor) whereas the Avid still uses the spacers for the same rotor size on the same fork mount.
Make sense?
Free for a ride later?
packing furiously im afraid....typical eh? given how incredibly sunny and nice it is... .... you heading out?
Aye - later on when H gets back.
Rose and I are off out to play in the garden now.... Have a great trip - catch up when you get back.
If in doubt, ask the bike whisperer...
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