It is with a very heavy heart that I type these words. Andy Cathcart - well known to so many of you - was killed whilst out riding in South Africa this week. All my thoughts are with his partner Rona and his family.
I am proud to call Andy a friend. Over the years I have shared riding, racing and a good deal of sweat and bad music as he produced his excellent work in sports physiology. He has my and many others respect for his tenacious and talented skills as a rider.
The tales that will be told are many, he lived life to the maximum and will be sorely missed. I'll sign off with a comment he made whilst racing across Scotland in the multi-day trans-Scotland race a year or 2 ago:
"Line? what line..."
I heard about this last night. I really hoped it wasnt true.
Everyone knew andy he will be sorely missed
Our thoughts are with Rona and the family
Terry and Jayne
I can't believe it. I have no words. Just lots of love to Rona and Andy's family.
I've only met him once or twice but he came across as a nice, good natured guy.
Thats so sad, I only ever spoke to Andy a few times but his passion for life came shining through on each occasion.
Only good thing is that at least he died doing one of things he loved to do, not really very apt but there you go
Hello all...
I am a student of Andy's and Uni is a pretty tough place to be just now after the news was announced yesterday.
On behalf of the staff, 3rd and 4th years of Physiology and Sport Science at Glasgow Uni, our thoughts and prayers are with Andy and Rona's families.
A sensational teacher and wonderful man who is missed dearly.
I feel like I've been torn in half. Andy was a friend of over 18 years and without him I would still be riding off kerbs thinking it was fun. He led me into a sport which has become part of my DNA and he has influenced so many others. There very few places you can go and Andy's name isn't mentioned.
This is a tragedy and I will also wonder what would have been. He was the most crazy intelligent person I knew who took on challenges most sane people wouldn't even think was possible.
I've stood at the top of stuff and watched him tumble down them with my heart in mouth only to see him come out the other end wondering what all the fuss was about. I've seen him launched upside down 20ft off the ground then come crashing to the floor only to get up and turn back to make sure his bike ok.
I've watched him endure so much and his life has been stolen. I implore you to retain the spirit I know he has installed in everyone he has came in contact with.
I will forever ride in your memory Andy
Your good friend John
From all the 4th year Nutrition students at Glasgow, we are all in complete shock. I can't think of anyone who didn't have utter respect for Andy, he knew the answers to everything, was so patient and always willing to help anyone.
If it is any consolation to his family and friends, at least he achieved more in this short lifetime than most people do and spent life doing what he loved!
Thanks for being in our lives Andy - can't believe yours was taken away long before your time xxxx
Just seen this and have nothing to add. Only met the guy a couple times at races but he was always a nice smiling chap which I just knew hid an ability to push people well out of theitr comfort zones and to explore their own limits.
This is tragic. I met Andy at my daughter Jenny's wedding and he was a great chap he came along with DrJon, a more fun loving bunch of fellas as these cyclists are I haven't met. He was a gentleman and brilliant company, am so sorry for your loss. Some people come into your lifes to leave a smile and Andy left a huge grin. Essa.x
just been told the sad news. we have lost a true gentleman and friend.
I was lucky enough to call Andy a mate.
He was never the smoothest in the world but by christ, could that boy ride.
"it can only wear for so long..."
that sums the lad up.
always in our hearts
Kenny, Rachel and the girls.
Andy brought light and enjoyment into my life.
His passion for cycling and life was infectious and had no boundaries. Andy taught me how to ride a bike! he even built my bikes for me - and looking at them today brings back so many fond memories it is hard to belive his life has been cut so cruely short.
I may not have been in touch with Andy for some time now but his spirit for life and adventure stayed with me and always will!
My thoughts so out to his family, loved ones and friends.
It was a privelege and a joy to have known and ridden with Andy.
He will be very much missed by everyone who knew him.
My thoughts are with Rona and their families.
Clare (MrsFlash)
I have read all the comments from folk who cycled with Andrew, and have drawn comfort from the fact that he has affected many peoples lives so positively.Although a roadie myself I have been off road with him many times and have been staggered and terrified at his sheer technical ability and courage. What a terrible waste his death is. Andrew's Mum.
I have just found out about Andy's death through the university mail.
This is such sad news :(. He taught me for 2 years at Glasgow - he was one of the rare ones who was able to communicate his love of his subject whilst remaining grounded and approachable at all times.
And if any family/partners are reading this perhaps you can take comfort in knowing that he affected so many lives in such a positive way, and that's a fine legacy to have.
A very sad day :(.....
Andy was one of my best PhD students and a fine colleague. His spirit, intellect and joie de vivre will be sorely missed. My thoughts are with Rona and with Andy's parents.
I worked with Andy in Alpine and have many happy memories from this time. A great bunch of guys who will no doubt miss him dearly. Even in the shop Andy enjoyed a spot of competition. Racing around on kids bikes, bouncing of empty bike boxes was always a good way to end the day, Andy usually won!
My thoughts are with Rona and Andy's family.
Craig W
Tragic. Really, really shocked to hear. My thoughts go out to Andy's family, Rona, friends, colleagues, and students. I believe his funeral is on the 7th May at the University Chapel.
Rona was good enough to email me about Andy.
I still cannot believe it. I miss my friend.
Andy and I had a lot of fun on bikes together between 1999 and 2002, when he wasn't cracking Intense frames.
Andy introduced me to riding in the French Alps (we went twice) and changed my life quite significantly through that as I ended up working there for 2 summers (the best so far) as a bike guide. The last time I saw Andy and Rona was in Morzine in 2005. I still owe him a favour from that.
We had mainly been in touch through email over the past 3-4 years, mainly about where and when we could meet up to go riding again.
Andy had complete exuberence for life, was a person you could trust and depend on and was a good man to the core.
I'm sure, like me, most people are going to find this very hard to accept.
I hope Rona, Andy's parents and brother can take some comfort in the fact that he was such a positive influence for so many people.
Bob McC
Seen the friendly big guy the day he must have left for SA...never really managed to speak to him much, as I could never catch him on the bike!
My thoughts are with his family.
Andy was running some cycling tests that I was involved in a month or two ago and although I only met him once, he was a truly positive, enthusiastic and funny guy. A really tragic loss, my thoughts are with his family, friends and colleagues.
4 Years since Andy passed and I still don't know what to say about this. It's very rare you meet someone with so many qualities, he continues to inspire me to this day and he I will never forget how much he helped me. Gordon. 20 April 2013 (student & friend)
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