So, the Frankenbike has finally been ridden. Noteworthy: within 2 minutes, i had managed to get 2 dog craps on th front wheel. Actually, one may have been cat (p-phone...?!).
Also noteworthy, it rides pretty normally. As in, the number crunching left me with a bike that deals with the 55mm offset/69er+ set up pretty well.
The bb needs to be about 1.5" to 2" lower i reckon....for proper moto feel, but that is for a different (custom) frame...so we'll see once ive ridden it for a bit.
Been under the weather for a few days. Spent all of sunday in bed. As in, i was up for 2 hrs in 24. Still shaky but less fever and headache going...will be taking it easy for a day or two yet.
Is that your weapon for the 'Puffer this year - big front tyre for deep snow?
hope you are feeling better for Cross @ Peebles this weekend. HTFU
That was a hangover ya numpty.
I know cos I had one too....
honest guv, he was feverish and no well
looks wicked!got my non offset pug fork set up coming for my rig, will be awesome round the peaks on it.
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