Looks like the mtbr 29"er board has descended to a level beyond playground antics. Pity, it used to be a good read. Recovering from the mixed hunner well. Tired but legs in one piece. Oddly, the arms are still feeling it... Ordered a new saddle today in the search for even more comfort...Selle San Marco gets the nod with the new-ish Magma - not the pure magnesium one, a little padding and a preference for ti rails.

Rest of the parts for the tIF are coming together...there is a last minute bid being made by Avid juicy Ultimates tho' but will prolly stick with cables...
Moots may be involved too. Its great to be scheming and planning.
Avid cable discs with Deore levers are very nice
Avid cable discs with Pauls levers are nice
Avid cable discs with Avid levers are okay
hydraulics... sheesh!
Mind you may borrow / buy my avid cable disk things if you wish - they'll be getting dumped off the Rig as and when I get the Rohloff hung in a bigger hoop (not cos they don't work but cos the got cables...) Technology for technologys sake an'aw.
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