Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Added some new linkies to things I read. They are way down on right hand side there. Not sure why they are languishing down there, sometimes blogger just seems to do that.

Otherwise, things might be ship-shaping up a little. Today I had the first sensation of fitness coming. I had a little zing about my legs, almost felt like running rather than walking.

2 rides this week end: a 3 hour finish at the pub circuit of Edinburgh, taking in an *amazing* amount of snaking, wooded and sweet singletrack - all within town limits. Not only that, but The Pear Tree never changes, always a good craik and a good pint. The other ride was an escape from the city with no particular plans. So I rode from my folks to the Forth Road Bridge, then after a while of sneaking around Fife on the now trusty Se7en single cross/road machine, made my way to Kinross and joined Sustrans route number 1 - The Kingdom of Fife route. Having had good experience of sustrans route previously I stuck to this through several small towns and a lot of superb scenery until I hit Glenrothes. From there I decided to hit the coast and follow this back to the Forth Road Bridge and home. My original plan had been to head to St Andrews - as I used to study there when I was a nipper, but I was running out of time. I reckon 80miles, blistering heat, good and most encouragingly persistent strength in the legs and 7.5 hrs of sunshine. All topped off with 2 cans of coke and a trial run of sweeties as food on a ride (the cheeky crew seem to like the tangfastic thing, so when i started feeling a little wobbly, this provided sustenance).

I can walk no problem, my ass is a little raw, but that was 10+ hrs of saddle time this week end with no all good.

Pretty pleased, but need more...riding eventually calms the screaming in your head, no matter how loud it is. This week end? I need to try and hit nearly 100miles ideally mixed route on and off road, or pure off road (unlikely!). Then I can say I'm getting there.

1 comment:

Nick said...

Aye, need to get a century under my belt this weekend to feel ready for SSMM.