Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Where has summer gone?

Yo know jo burt: he creates Mint ever, an all too precognitive strip...its been raining pretty much non stop for a week. Please! please dont forsake us again, Summer.

Anyways: where were we?

We were at Kirroughtree. I'm still assimilating thoughts on that one, bear with me...

We were cooking. Going to stick up a recipe for what (so far) has been the best chili con carne i have made. Stoked...

We were looking at our navels because we seem to have developed a peculiar rash. One of the downsides of working with ill people is that when you get a bit run down or have had a step up in exercise levels, you are prone to catching whatever is in the societal incubator...

We have been watching Bear Grylis' Man vs Wild. Its just good fun.

And most of all, we have been sleeping...cats know the story. If she could speak, P Phone would say "do not waste down time - get a good solid kip in". Yo.


Buck said...

I've been sleeping at all opportunities since Le Tour de Burg.

C'mon fitness........I'm waiting.

martysavalas said...

> Where has summer gone?
It's in the east, where it always is.