As ever, weather, darkness and hard riding for 24 hours. Enojoyable riding initially with the trails highly improved and team singletrack/savalas running around 5th for the first 14 hours. Then we discovered a healthy stash of beer, and so slipped out of the top 50 by the end. Still, we proved fixed riding in snow is not only possible, but good fun. Photos to follow.
Anja and Shaggy won their solo races. Epic, no other word. Both of them rode determined, intelligent races and in the end were out of sight of their competitors.
The new fork arrived for the tIF today, courtesy of artisan darren crisp. Check his work, it is beautiful in person.
I shall report fully, but it feels stiff and light.
They look sweet!!
they look like my old Guyser forks, now on Marky Marks FrankenCross. to be fair though they weigh a ton but are mighty rigid.
Be interested to know what they ride like.
i thought someone overtook me on a fixie but i didn't believe it-good work.
lovely looking forks too...
super looking forks, he is one of my fave builders
rebadged on-ones?
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