Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Persephone is walking backwards.

She cant seem to get used to the collar preventing her pulling out the stitches. Wants to back out the tunnel. Its sad, she looks pleadingly at me to do something. But she'll be fine...

I lost my wallet last night. Bah! always bad. Except this was a special wallet. The contents much less important than the person (trina) who gave it to me. It was a Vivienne Westwood pirate themed wallet, and anybody who knows me knows how stoked i was to get such a thing...Viv is a classic, tartan and anarchy and an impish sense of fun.

Oddly, 2 minutes after finishing cancelling my cards, i had a phone call from a police station a wee way away, and someone had handed it in.

It was a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. A day when a 14 year old girl was stabbed to death and left for dead with 30 wounds, including 1 to her neck. Perhaps, my faith in humanity was restored, a little.


simondbarnes said...

That stabbing was just down the road from me :(

simondbarnes said...

Eek, the bloke they've charged with the stabbing lives 2 doors away from me :-/