15 minutes to the gym.
1 hour of kettle bells.
1.05 hr then a stop off to buy dirt, which is about (gasp) hardtails. It includes a fantastic picture of jeff, and a review of Peaty's old kona hardtail he used to race downhill on back in the day.
2o minutes home.
5 minutes to work, 5 minutes home.
It is one of the stranger things i have noticed with the 30/30 that there is a lot of hidden mileage made up of commuting, popping to the shops and other message and hunter gathering missions.
What that does not lesson is the impact physically of doing an hour of kettlebells then riding in the wind and dreich. Im pooped.
So, off to bed.
Ill leave you with this. If you spot him, beat him around the head for a prolonged period..
I want that poster...
there is no hidden mileage in my commute, 18 miles there, 18 miles back, currently pedaling in 4 times a week, 144 miles a week. more than i did all last year, but last year i was smoking 30 tabs a day.....
back riding tomorrow, keep up the daily grind pal, im really gutted i couldnt finish 30 in 30, there will be other targets though.......
"there is a lot of hidden mileage made up of commuting, popping to the shops and other message and hunter gathering missions"
About a thousand miles a year for me.
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