Sunday was another cross race - this time the Auchentoshan classic. The forecast suggested dry bright and cold, so i had the crows on and took a fairly early night after the rugby world cup final at friends big andy and grace's house.
Course, i woke up to rain...oh well, no time to change the tires, game on. Trina took photos and did essential bottle handups. The beer of choice for the race was Heineken - subtle and crisp and didnt lead to too many red-line burps.
This race always has a double barrier. I scoped it out pre race for a bunny hop as i wanted to use the flat bar advantage, but they were too close together, so a running dismount/mount it was. It ended up being a good spot for me as for one barrier hit (oops) i took about one place per lap on the barriers. It was good as immediately after there was a singletrack muddy section that was up my street, so i could consolidate any gaps.
Ended up 12th i think, not sure...seems to be a theme as 12th overall, 11th for seniors last race.
Sported the mt nittany kit again, and it has to be said it highlights my glorious body's curves well.
Photo from my wife's flickr. See how much beautiful Rose has grown...
The day after there were no tasks to do around home and i had a portfolio to drop into the RCGP in edinburgh, so i decided to make a ride of it and take the forth and clyde canal then join the union canal at the falkirk wheel then reverse once the parcel was dropped off.
On the way out i took in a doughnut at the old school grocer (think arkwright's) in polmont, then dropped into ratho for a desperately needed cheese sandwich. Weather was classic bright sunny cold and crisp.
Once in edinburgh i needed to stock up on sandwiches from gregs as i was running low on energy. Also by the time i hit linlithgow my arse was beginning to feel raw. No cham moi booty butter will do that. One consolation was seeing a groondie (scottish for ground control) tire track immortalised in the concrete on the almond viaduct.
The minewt proved its value on the 620m rock tunnel as the path aint wide, and i limped home in 10 hours for an estimated 130 mile round trip. Nice to get some miles in the legs.
Today was a kettle bell day and it went surprisingly well, in fact i think i may be peaking for the off-season. Yay! good timing as ever....
Oh well.
After a cross race and 130miles, the flat bars from the dambala are historic items. At present the loctite is setting on the shim and my oldest set of jones bars are going on. My wrists were not happy with the seven 8 degree bar, way too little sweep....more later on how this goes. All information will be fed into the IF super computer and a steel deluxe will be coming my way soon....
Andy Laing's leaving 'do' at Relentless... Photo from Mikey
We need one of these....
And Tom in the dress? The moral of that story is don't bet Andy that he can't ride from edinburgh to Inverness in one day, do the Loch Ness Marathon the next and ride back from inverness to e'burg the day after. Cos you are going to lose that bet and have to do a 24hr race in a dress in the most midge infested place on the planet...
: )
You change stuff more than I change my underwear ;)
Final leaving do is this wednesday, an alley cat organised by tom, links bar next to edi bikes at 8. Exact details still a secret. Free beer if you come with a pumpkin instead of a light. All welcome.
ditching the bars you say?
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